Our Story…
I remember sitting with my friend having a meal at one of my favourite noodle places in Auckland, Sunny Town. I remember this conversation distinctly because it happened just before the Coronavirus pandemic went full scale in New Zealand. Eventually our conversation reached the topic of the virus. We talked about how this pandemic almost felt like a huge wave that was coming towards us.
And what a wave it was.
Our family had recently bought a lunch bar and it was in the midst of purchasing a new business and the post Christmas/New years down time that NZ, and subsequently our family, went into Level 4 isolation. We were entirely unprepared for this. Our lunch bar was closed and my father whose primary income was teaching Taiji overseas saw his opportunity for work dry up. Luckily my brother and I were still able to work remotely and so could help for the moment.
But it seems like there was a glimmer of hope for us. You see, my mother had recently been obsessively passionate about Bao. Every weekend despite working at the lunch bar she would come home and try and recreate her favorite flavours. It was an obsession I could not understand. But now that we slowly climb out of isolation, it was an obsession I am glad for. We are rebranding and refocusing our shop to the things that we like and the flavours we enjoy.
I am not trying to preach the old adage “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Because making Lemonade requires other ingredients like sugar, water, citric acid. Ingredients that one may not have when given a lemon. I cannot even begin to fathom what some people have had to experience during this time. All I can say is that throughout this difficult time this has (remarkably) been our activity of solace and sanity. I hope that when you drop by and experience it you will taste that flavour. It’s very real … and as cheesy as it sounds, made with love and passion.
So how did our conversation end? that Saturday lunch time between noodles at Sunny town? Well, if a big wave is coming you either brace yourself to take the hit, or try to catch a ride… Here’s us trying for the latter.
I hope that this message finds you well.
below is a pic of my mother preparing for our photoshoot :)